August 8, 2011

The Life Plan

The Life PlanThe Life Plan for You

Get The Life Plan and change your health. I have known Dr. Life for over 7 years, I see him regularly and would describe him as a good friend and the doctor that taught me Age-Management Medicine. With that being said, I have read his recently published book and think it is a must for everyone’s library.

Dr. Life has been the lead staff physician and the face of Cenegenics for as long as I can remember. He has continued to grow not only physically but mentally even though he recently celebrated his 72nd birthday. He brings to his book honesty, emotion, and knowledge that we can all use on our own journeys to better health.

The Life Plan is divided up in several categories to give the reader easy to follow step by instructions to improve their health. The first chapter explains the current resistance by insurance companies and  traditional doctors to Age-Management Medicine, I call it the act your age theory.  He  next explains nutrition and has detailed food plans for readers to follow.  Followed by an exercise chapter,  detailed explanation of a variety of exercises with pictures of Dr. Life using the correct form.

Dr. Life wraps up the book pulling it all together for the reader by explaining the need for supplements and the benefit of hormones. Anyone thinking of improving their health, extending their healthy years or attempting to stave off those dastardly diseases we associate with age, will benefit from this book. This is one that you won’t want to loan out, better buy at least two, so you have your own to use as a reference guide. My only fault with this book is I don’t think he left anything out for volume II.

The Life Plan is available on our website through Amazon. Click the image to order.

The Life Plan


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    1. Thanks we are adding content daily. I had dinner with Dr. Life and there is an option for a second book. So much for my last sentence of the book review.

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