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Dr. Joe Jacko

Risk of Cognitive Decline from Hearing Loss When someone asks, “Can you hear me now?” You want to able to say “yes”. Having age related hearing loss puts you at risk for cognitive decline.  As you likely know, cognitive decline is challenging to treat so you certainly want to minimize any risk you can. Cognitive

Dr. Joe Jacko

Gratitude Improves Longevity in Older Women We have written a few posts over the years on the importance of gratitude and its effects on health. Those articles are usually published around Thanksgiving and have been focused on the relationship between gratitude and happiness and improvement in health. But this recent article published in JAMA Psychiatry addresses

Dr. Joe Jacko

Does Medicine Make a Difference or Impact? Does medicine make a difference? We all know the person who spends every waking moment focused on staying healthy; making sure they eat well, get the right kind of exercise, get proper sleep, avoid unhealthy habits, keep unhealthy stress to minimum, follow all the recommend guidelines for preventive

Dr. Joe Jacko

The FDA Drug Approval Process It helps to understand the drug approval process. First, it is very expensive to bring a drug to market ranging from $1 billion to $2.6 billion dollars per drug and pharmaceutical companies have more losers than they do winners. Secondly, the drug approval process is lengthy and takes years. First,

Dr. Joe Jacko

Plant-Based Diet is Better for Men A recent study published in Cancer found that men with prostate cancer who ate a plant-based diet had higher quality of life than those who consumed more meat in their diets.  The study involved 3,505 men who had non-metastatic prostate cancer. Men in the study filled out a diet questionnaire every

Dr. Joe Jacko

The Alliance for Longevity Initiatives The Alliance for Longevity Initiatives was founded in 2022 and advocates for policies and initiatives that extend human healthspan by ending the harm of age related diseases like Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.  It also promotes biomedical technology with aims to increase its accessibility to the general public. Longevity Science

Dr. Joe Jacko

      What is Vacation Deficit Disorder Feeling down in the dumps and depressed?  If so, you may be suffering from vacation deficit disorder. Vacation deficit disorder is not a recognizable medical condition, yet is defined as “Americans who think that annual vacation is important, but who are not confident that they will take

Dr. Joe Jacko

Early Onset Dementia Early onset dementia has been on the rise and researchers have now identified 15 risk factors for this progressive neurodegenerative disease. Early onset dementia is described as dementia striking before age 65. Dementia is devastating but especially when the onset strikes at earlier ages to people who are still working, are leading

Dr. Joe Jacko

Artificial Sweeteners Change the Gut Microbiome Don’t let the use of artificial sweeteners change your gut microbiome. In our post Gut Microbiome: How it Keeps You Healthy we discussed the importance of the gut microbiome. One hundred trillion microorganisms comprise the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome plays a huge role in our immune system. The gut

Dr. Joe Jacko

Get Healthy During the Holidays What better time get healthy and start healthy lifestyle habits than the holidays? What? You’re kidding me? No, I am not. The holidays can be a great time to turn you health around and get healthy. Many people have time off during the holidays and that means more time to

Dr. Joe Jacko

    Are There Health Benefits to Cold Plunges? One topic that has been hot (pun intended) in recent weeks (spreading on TikTok) is the use of cold plunges to trigger health benefits. There does seem to be some health benefit to cold plunges but the evidence is not as strong as it is for

Dr. Joe Jacko

Smart Gym Equipment How would you like to obtain better health and fitness results in less time? Believe it or not, with smart gym equipment, that is now possible. Technology including AI is taking exercise to a different stratosphere enabling exercisers to get a better health and fitness return on their exercise time. And, who

Dr. Joe Jacko

What is Biohacking? If you stay current on health and fitness news you likely have heard the word “biohacking”, and while you may have a vague sense of what it refers to, you may still have some confusion over the term. Today we will try to clarify what biohacking is and describe the various forms

Dr. Joe Jacko

Aging is Exponential, Not Linear Aging is a complex phenomenon. Because we get a year older each year we tend to think that we age biologically one year at a time. We think biological aging is linear, but it is not. It is exponential. We don’t perceive much of change in our health and how

Dr. Joe Jacko

Protect Yourself Against COVID with Exercise A recent review published in Current Sports Medicine Reports suggests that exercise may be the most important “medicine” for COVID 19. This should not be too surprising given everything we know about the positive effects exercise has on the immune system and cardiovascular and neurologic health. Vaccinations and boosters,

Dr. Joe Jacko

Want to Live Longer? Play Tennis Do you want to live longer? Believe it or not, but not everyone wants to live longer, but I suspect you do since you came to this website. So if one of your goals is to live longer then you may want to start playing tennis. Tennis may be

Dr. Joe Jacko

Removing Senescent or Zombie Cells with Senolytics What are senescent cells and what are senolytics? Let’s first start with discussing what senescent cells are. Senescent cells are cells that no longer divide (though some may be able to be “rehabilitated” to once again divide) and are non-functional. Cellular senescence is one of the 12 hallmarks

Dr. Joe Jacko

Longevity Benefits of Metformin What if I told you that there is an inexpensive FDA approved drug that has been used for over 70 years and it has an excellent safety record, and it shows promise great promise in improving longevity? Would you be interested in learning more about it? I suspect so, which is

Dr. Joe Jacko

Life Extension Benefits of Rapamycin Do you want to live longer healthier? Is so, then rapmycin is something you will want to know. Rapamycin is the hot topic in the life extension or longevity arena. Rapamycin has been shown to increases median life expectancy up to 60% in animal models. That is impressive and human

Dr. Joe Jacko

Why We Fall? Have you wondered why we fall especially as we get older? And, can anything be done to prevent them? Falls are a bigger problem than many believe and do not receive the attention they should. Many conditions contribute to falling. These are called risk factors. The good news is that many of

Dr. Joe Jacko

How Many Daily Steps Needed to Improve Health? Most of us have heard that you need to take 10,000 daily steps a day to improve health. Actually, a new study shows that you can still improve health with as few as 4,000 daily steps 93,867 steps to be precise), but 10,000 daily steps gives you

Dr. Joe Jacko

Reduce Post-Op Complications with Exercise You can reduce post-op complications with as little as 4 to 6 weeks of high intensity training prior to surgery. And, that is true even if you are not currently exercising. The reductions on post-op surgical complications is significant following a period of high intensity interval training in the weeks

Dr. Joe Jacko

Water is the most important nutrient. Along with carbohydrates, fats, and protein, water is considered a macronutrient – something the body needs in large amounts. And, this is even more important when it comes to athletic performance. As little as 1% reduction in body water content is enough to hamper athletic performance – maybe as

Dr. Joe Jacko

What is Sprint Interval Training? Believe it or not, but you can SIT and improve your health and fitness. SIT refers to sprint interval training which is similar to or HIIT or high intensity interval training with one significant difference. I know we have written articles that describing sitting as the new smoking in the

Dr. Joe Jacko

Why Keeping Weight Off is Difficult Have you wondered why keeping weight off is difficult once you have lost it? This post will look at some of the reasons why keeping weight off is challenging. There is perhaps nothing more frustrating than working really hard to lose weight, only to regain it later. Before we

Dr. Joe Jacko

Craving Calorie-Dense Foods? Could Be Stress Are you craving calorie-dense foods? It could be related to stress. Researchers from Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Australia found that stress overrides that part of the brain that signals satiety or the sense of feeling full. Chronic stress sparks alterations of brain activity that boost cravings for

Dr. Joe Jacko

Does Taurine in Energy Drinks Slow Aging? We have a great news – especially if you are a mouse, worm, or monkey. It appears that taurine, an amino acid, found in many energy drinks slows aging in these organisms. Might is slow aging in humans? What is Taurine? Taurine is unique among amino acids in

Dr. Joe Jacko

Optimal Sleep Reduces Risk of Heart Disease Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease 39% through optimal sleep. That is the conclusion of this study published in Sleep.  What great news – simply improving your sleep can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease as much as, and in some cases, more than controlling your blood pressure and cholesterol

Dr. Joe Jacko

A study published on May 24, 2023 European Heart Journal found that “plant-based diets can play a significant role in reducing blocked arteries, thereby lowering the risk heart and blood vessel diseases, such as strokes and heart attacks.” The findings may not be unique in some ways. Most of us probably suspected this would be the case.

Dr. Joe Jacko

We now better understand the health risks of loneliness which is becoming an epidemic. In March of 2020 towards the beginning of the pandemic we wrote an article that more and more individuals were battling loneliness. The health risks of loneliness go beyond the emotional and the mental. There are significant physical health risks of

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