Oxaloacetate: Anti Aging Formula?
Oxaloacetate is a compound available over the counter as a nutritional supplement that is getting some press these days due its role in energy production and as we have discussed before on this website energy is the essence of life.
Anything that helps produce energy has the potential to slow the aging process.
The benefits of oxaloacetate extend well beyond energy production, though. There is evidence that it plays a beneficial role in the management of cancers and can limit brain damage occurring from trauma and strokes.
How Does Oxaloacetate Work?
Oxaloacetate neutralizes glutamate in the bloodstream. Oxaloacetate can lower glutamate levels by 40%. This is important as excess glutamate can cause some problems. In the presence of a stroke or brain trauma glutamate causes brain tissue damage. Glutamate is also the preferred fuel source for many types of cancer. So if you can reduce glutamate levels you can reduce brain damage and prevent/limit the growth of some cancers.
Cancer cells need energy to grow just like normal healthy cells. Cancer cells thrive on simple sugars and glutamate (another reason to avoid added sugars as much as possible). One study showed that survival rate in mice with cancer increased 237% when given an oxaloacetate supplement.
It plays an important role in the Krebs Cycle and specifically with oxidative phosphorylation – one of the metabolic processes that transforms nutrients into ATP, which is the main energy molecule of the body. There are three different mechanisms by which ATP is made but oxidative phosphorylation is the mechanism that produces the most ATP molecules.
It has been touted to mimic calorie restriction which is known to positive effects on longevity and is a source for amino acids too. Six essential and three nonessential amino acids can be made from oxaloacetate and pyruvate.
It stimulates production of mitochondria, the organelles that produce energy for the body, reduces inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity, and enhances neural connectivity as reported in this study.
Are There Foods High in Oxaloacetate?
The answer is no. Oxaloacetate is not found in food. It is a cellular metabolite. In other words, our bodies make it. It is available as nutritional supplement, however. Both Bulletproof and benaGene make an Aging Formula that contains 100 mg of oxaloacetate. Some supplement makers offer products that contain 250 mg of this compound. What is the ideal dose for humans is unclear at this time.
We will share more as we learn more about oxaloacetate.