Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy at 55
One of the ardent believers of bio identical hormone replacement therapy is no other than the Queen of Talk. Upon reaching the age of 55 in 2009, she started undergoing the treatment, although prior to that, she was already sensing something was not right, and feeling off-kilter, but she felt that no one seemed to understand what she is feeling.
With the recommendation of a friend, Oprah consulted a specialist and had her blood tests from one year of thyroid examinations. That visit shed light on what she was going through by finding out that her hormonal reservoir had been drained, causing her to feel off-balance and sapping her vim and vigor. With the riddling symptoms known and understood, an appropriate treatment was recommended. In her case, bioidentical estrogen was prescribed.
After 3 Days of Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
The well-loved host shared that after just a day of non-standard therapy, she already felt veil has been removed. And three days of therapy has helped her see life more vividly with her brain performing better.
Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Not Recommended by OprahÂ
Oprah acknowledges that bio identical hormone replacement therapy is a hot issue dividing medical practitioners and a great number of people still do not understand it. Athough she had a good first-hand experience with the controversial treatment, she is not necessarily suggesting to women (and men) entering this phase in life to take BHRT because she understands that each individual is different and responds differently to certain therapies.
Rather, she is encouraging women to become better educated of their health by learning about menopause and seeking advice from the finest physicians. She shared this experience because she wants women and men to understand what they are going through and that they are not alone.
She wanted to prod these folks to discuss their issues with those experiencing the same symptoms and to seek medical advice and treatment on how to restore balance not just of the depleted hormones, but a balance in their lives.
Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Lifestyle
Before taking bio identical hormone replacement therapy or other forms of HRT, you must understand that it is more than just popping some pills and voila! You feel relieved already. Rather, it is an interplay among treatment, diet, exercise, stress management and overall lifestyle, to ensure that you get the restoration of balance and zest for life.
If you are considering taking bio identical hormone replacement therapy to address menopausal symptoms, do not do it just because Oprah is taking it. Consult your doctor and find out if it is appropriate for you.
See Related Articles.
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“Hormone Replacement Therapy Alternatives….and Their Side Effects”
Great resources Guy! Thanks for the information and additional resources.