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March 15, 2011

Common Sense: Quick Way to Lose Weight

quick way to lose weight
Image via Wikipedia


The Quick Way to Lose Weight Does Not Have To Be Expensive

Are you one of those individuals who up to now is still struggling to find an effective quick way to lose weight?  If so, you are lucky to find these effective, simple and natural ways of losing weight.  If you find weight loss programs and other weight loss methods ridiculously expensive, why not consider a natural way of shedding excess weight?  It works for many individuals and it’s best to find out if it will for you is to try it.  It does not cost much. It only takes discipline and willpower to attain that desired weight.  Listed below are the proven natural and quick ways to lose weight:

Quick Way To Lose Weight #1: Cutting Down on Food Quantity, Not On Nutrients

Many people cut down on food intake to lose weight the wrong way.  Some simply do not eat regularly anymore.  People think that skipping a meal is a quick way to lose weight.  Yes they may be right, but not nutritionally speaking and it is too risky.  Bear in mind that our body needs food so simply not eating may lead to terrible effects.  The proper way to cut food intake  is by slowly cutting down on excess food intake and eat foods that contain less carbohydrates.  Always consume foods that are rich in proteins and fibers, such as vegetables and fruits.  Do not eat too much at night.  Our metabolism rate is really very low when our body is at rest and asleep.  Drink a lot of water before eating your major meal. This can help you to not eat more making a sensation that your tummy is full.  This will also replace fluids that your body loses when fats are released.

Quick Way To Lose Weight #2: Have a Good Sleep

Although staying awake, or not getting enough sleep, in fact, can make you lose weight, it is not advisable because it is also harmful to your body.  A body that does not have enough rest will have lower levels of antibodies that are very essential in fighting sickness.  Also, the longer we stay awake at night, the more our body will crave for food.  Get regular eight-hour sleep daily.  It may not necessarily be a quick way to lose weight but this will keep your body healthy and keep disease away as you try to shed off some weight.

Quick Way To Lose Weight #3: Balance Rest With Regular Exercise

Many are also doing this process the wrong way. Lifting heavy weights can burn fats much faster. But in addition engage in at least 30-minute aerobic activity on a  treadmill or other similar cardiovascular piece of equipment.  Lifting light weights with more repetitions is the best way to burn fats.  Also, be sure to rest right after exercise.  Do not push yourself too much.  Rest between intervals to help regulate the flow of oxygen to your body.  Rest is also necessary for tissue repair which consumes many calories and facilitates weight loss.

A quick way to lose weight does not have to be expensive; it may just be a matter of adjusting your eating habits, following a good exercise plan and complementing these with ample rest, discipline and willpower.

See related articles.

“How Declining Sex Hormone Levels Lead to Fat Gain”

“Zig-Zag Your Way to Easy Weight Loss”


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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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