August 5, 2011

Awesome Exercise Program

Exercise Program and Weight LiftingGet Results with this Exercise Program

If you want to see results from your exercise program then you take to plan and design your exercise program. After you do that then you need to work your plan – put it into practice. A well-designed program should include strength training including core work and aerobic or cardio exercises,

Below is an example of an comprehensive exercise program that will improve your muscle strength and endurance, as well as cardiovascular fitness.  All you have to do is work the plan.

For the strength training exercises perform 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.


Chest:  pick 2 exercises (bench press, incline bench press, dumbbell presses, dumbbell fly’s, push ups

Triceps: pick 2 exercises (V bar push downs, straight bar push downs (hands over top), straight bar push downs (under hand grip), dumbbell kick backs, rope extension.


Cardio Days: pick your favorite cardiovascular exercise and do 4 minute to 1 minute intervals.

For 4 minutes hold your heart rate high enough, but can still have a conversation.  Then for 30 seconds to 1 minute get your heart rate up so you are breathing heavily. Repeat these 6 times for a total of 30 minutes.


Back: pick 2 exercises (wide grip pull downs, narrow grip pull downs, under hand pull downs, one arm rows, hyper extensions (standing or using a machine).

Biceps: pick 2 exercises (standing straight bar curls, standing dumbbell curls, preacher curls( dumbbell), hammer curls, preacher curls (straight bar).


Cardio Days: pick your favorite cardiovascular exercise and do 4 minute to 1 minute intervals.

For 4 minutes hold your heart rate high enough, but can still have a conversation.   Then for 30seconds to 1 minute get your heart rate up so you are breathing heavily. Repeat these 6 times for a total of 30 minutes.


Shoulders: pick two exercises (dumbbell shoulder press, barbell (in front) presses, rotating dumbbell presses, front lateral raises, side lateral raises, bent over laterals (for rear delts)

Legs pick two exercises (dumbbell squats, barbell squats, lunges, stiff legged dead lifts, jump squats

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Follow your resistance training with 15-30 minutes cardio session (heart rate is conversation rate). After that do 100 repetitions of abdominal exercises.  Be sure to change this exercise up as well.

Follow this awesome exercise program and you will improve your strength and cardiovascular fitness.

See related articles.

Benefits of Body Weight Exercises”

“Kettlebell Beginner Workout”

“Calisthenics for Fitness”

“Resistance Training in Older Adults”



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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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