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September 2, 2011

Anti Aging Solutions: When Should You Start Using?

Aging is Inevitable : Why You Need Anti Aging Solutions

It is a known fact that we will grow old. No matter how much we try to stop it by undergoing surgeries and treatments, we will still get to that age when we will see wrinkles and sagging skin. There is only one thing that we can do, we can delay aging by using anti aging solutions and wish that they work.

Anti Aging Solutions and Papaya
Image from Superstock.com

Anti Aging Solutions Work Best in Your Youth

These anti aging solutions though, work best when you’re younger. It is better that you take good care of your body and skin while you are still young and are still able to do anything. Proper diet and exercise are still the best anti aging solutions. We must never forget that we have to properly nourish our bodies in order for it to remain healthy.

For people who are already in that phase when their age is starting to show earlier than normal, meaning, they were not really able to take care of their bodies when they were younger, they have other options. These solutions however are not really that natural and not everyone will have the  money to burn for these treatments.

Botox injections, face lifts, tummy tuck and liposuction are not for everyone. But what should you do when you are just in your 30’s and you’re already seeing crow’s feet beside your eyes?

Natural Anti Aging Solutions

Fortunately, there are beauty and anti aging solutions experts who did  research on homemade solutions that can slow down the appearance of skin aging. Some of these solutions use fruits and vegetables which you can find in your fridge so that you don’t have to buy them anymore.

Papayas for example, if mashed will make a great face mask. Just leave the mashed fruit on your face for about thirty minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. As all of us already know, papayas have whitening and clearing effect so it is really great  for your skin.

You may also choose to use virgin coconut oil or natural coconut milk on your face just like when using papaya, just leave it there for about thirty minutes. For the virgin coconut oil, you don’t even have to rinse it after because it will serve as a moisturizer for your face.

Substituting alcohol based products with natural products is also a great anti aging solution. For example, instead of applying an alcohol based toner, you can use lemon juice as it is effective in removing brown spots and it can also remove uneven skin tone. You can also look for natural cosmetics to replace your chemical-based ones. In support of eco and green initiatives, a lot of companies are already turning to natural products so it is now easier to look for these products anywhere.

Better Anti Aging Solutions

There are a lot of things that one can do to delay aging when it is already showing. But it is even easier to delay aging when the signs are not showing yet. Do these things even in your youth.

Start taking care of your body and your skin at an early age. Eat the right foods. Exercise and have fun. Have a happy disposition and be positive, as stress is probably the most common reason for you to show signs of early aging.

Thus, anti aging solutions, whether chemical or natural will only work if you live a healthy lifestyle as early as now.

See related articles.

“Skin Protection from the Summer Sun”

“Confessions of a Revitol Anti Aging Cream User”

“Anti Aging Vitamins for Dark Circles Around the Eyes”


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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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