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April 16, 2011

What Can Your Anti Aging Lotion Do?

anti aging lotion
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Anti Aging Lotion Specialization

Hand, skin, or body – there’s a lotion for it.

Young and old alike use lotions and moisturizers to keep skin hydrated and plumped keeping at bay dryness that can lead to wrinkling. In other words, they are used to somehow shoo away or erase these traces of aging that gradually appear. However, sometimes, an anti aging lotion that simply moisturize is not enough. There are other more specific skin problems related to the aging process that may need more specific actions. Two of these skin problems are sagging and cellulite. The cosmetics industry has come up with two products to address these: the firming lotion and the anti cellulite lotion. Let us compare the two.

Firming Lotion Versus Anti Cellulite Cream

Target Zones
Firming lotions are used to firm up skin that has sagged or wrinkled, and since skin practically wraps the entire body, this can be in any part. Anti cellulite creams, on the other hand are aimed at areas where cellulite tend to appear such as the buttocks, thighs and stomach.
Components To Look ForAn anti aging lotion that can be effective in firming the skin often contains ingredients that can enhance the elasticity of the skin. Firming lotions that claim to contain collagen may not be as effective since the molecules of collagen are too big for the skin pores to absorb.
Look for the products that contain substances that stimulate the production of collagen such as keratin. Other firming lotion ingredients to consider are Coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, phytessence wakame, Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 and Cynergy TK.

The anti aging lotion that fights cellulite often contain seaweed extract, antioxidants, caffeine, L-carnitine and vitamins. Vitamins E and C are added to help eliminate toxins that can lead to dull and puffy appearance of the skin. Protein is another important anti cellulite cream ingredient that is expected to plug the furrows between the bumps produced by the cellulite. This will make skin look even.

Cellulite is certainly not a problem that is just skin deep that is why most anti cellulite creams do not show any success in eliminating skin dimpling. Although there are a few that can somehow give the skin an appearance that is less bumpy. They provide temporary results that can be beneficial for special occasions such as a day at the beach or a special night out.

Just like many cosmetic products, not all firming lotions live up to their promise. Their efficacy lies in what they contain. Many of them really do not have ingredients that can stimulate collagen remodeling, hence, their ineffectiveness.

The sweeping effects of aging on our body led to the creation of products that can address specific areas and problems. No one anti aging lotion has been invented yet that can combat wrinkling, sagging, cellulite formation and other skin aging problems at once.  Don’t forget the importance of tanning lotion, either.

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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