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  • Do’s and Don’t’s to Slow Aging

August 15, 2011

Do’s and Don’t’s to Slow Aging

slow aging
Image by The Djudju Beast via Flickr

Are you interested in slowing down the aging process?  Here are some practical tips to slow aging.

10 Do’s To Slow Aging

1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Studies show that oxidative damage brought about by free radicals is one of the causes of aging at the cellular level. Antioxidant-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables show great potential in combating free radical damage to delay cell aging. Certain fruits and vegetables have specific benefits to slow aging. For instance, beans and lentils are wellsprings of minerals which aid in making your skin hydrated and supple. So to slow aging, always have these in your diet.

2. Feast on fish. That the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can do wonders to your skin? So feast on mackerel, salmon, anchovies, tuna and many more kinds of fish.

3. Eat “genuine” whole grains. Do not confuse this with stuff touted as “whole” grains but are ground into flour. Real whole grains teem with mineral, vitamins, and soluble fiber. Eat a bowl to power your workout before you hit the gym.

4. Snack on nuts. These snacks are a great source for age-defying vitamins, mineral and fats. Chomp on some nuts when you feel like wolfing down high-caloric food to suppress your cravings. However, make sure to eat just a handful.

5. Drink tea. A cup of tea is a refreshing ocean of antioxidants and other cancer-busting compounds. On a hectic day, relieve stress by taking a mid-afternoon break and sip some tea.

6. Stay happy. Stress is one of the culprits of aging. Maintaining a cheerful and positive disposition in life is one of the greatest stress-busters. Smiling and laughing may etch laugh lines, but frowning can bring about uglier creases on the face. Focus on the positive, on things that matter to you most. Walk, run, do yoga, meditation and breathing exercises to help you relax and be happy.

7. Wear sunblock. It is great to be out in the sun, but you must keep in mind that its UV rays can hasten aging. So never leave home without daubing some sunscreen.

8. Get enough sleep. Sleeping is the way for your body to recover from the blows of your daily activities, so give your body enough time to recover. Sleep on time, which is typically six to eight hours for adults, depending on the person.

9. Drink plenty of water. To maintain a youthful appearance, hydrate your skin by drinking lots of water.

10. Exercise. Keep your body active. Do cardio exercises to maintain a robust vascular system. Also do some strength training workout to form strong toned muscles which will make you look fit, young, and you will fit better in your clothes. In contrast, flab can make you look old.

5 Don’t’s To Slow Aging

1. Don’t smoke. Smoking exposes you to free radical damage that can fast track the process of aging. It does not just etch wrinkles and lines on your face, it can also undermine your health. Also stay away from second hand smoke.

2. Don’t consume too much of dairy products. Milk and milk products have been linked with aging and wrinkles in studies.

3. Don’t eat so much processed meats. The high levels of nitrate and nitrites of processed meats may lead to various health problems.

4. Don’t consume processed carbohydrates and sugar. Sugar and carbohydrates can directly push the aging button on and can lead to many health problems. You can have some of these just occasionally.

5. Don’t overeat. Bring down your caloric intake to slow aging and to maintain your figure. You do not have to starve yourself, but eat with moderation.

Almost all of the items covered in this list of do’s and don’t’s to slow aging can be done without going under the knife or shelling out a huge sum of money. They can be conveniently incorporated in your daily life.

See related articles.

“4 Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training”

“Stem Cells: the Future is Now!”

“What is Nitric Oxide?”

“Anti Aging Hormones”

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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