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  • Decoding The Ageing Process Among The Female Species

May 10, 2011

Decoding The Ageing Process Among The Female Species

Ageing Process and the Happy Woman
Image via Wikipedia

Many women find it rude when they are asked their age, except of course, when they are buying liquor. Women especially who are already feeling the signs of aging usually get defensive and evade this dreaded question. It seems that the mere mention of their age would add another year to their number of years. In this post, let us try to understand the ageing process in women.

Ageing Process In Women

Men have the natural inclination to appreciate the beauty of women, while women enjoy the attention of and being wooed by men. Society has put a lot of pressure on women to strive hard to maintain their eye-appeal for as long as they can. This is not just to continue enjoying getting appreciative looks from the male specie, but as well as to gain the envy and admiration of their kind.

When they see signs of aging beginning to appear, they get alarmed and are willing to try anything just to delay the dreaded ageing process. So what is it exactly that they go through?

Discussing aging in women often ends up talking about menopause. However, even before the onset of the dreaded period which usually starts around age 50, the female species already start to step on the threshold of aging. When a woman walks into her 35th year in life, she may notice certain traces of growing old.

However, the menopausal stage indelibly marks the inception of aging because of pronounced signs not just physically, but as well as emotionally, psychologically and even socially.

The Ageing Process – Physical and Chemical Changes in a Woman

As a woman advances in years, her body undergoes changes due to hormonal shifts. A decline in estrogen levels can lead bones to weaken and lose mass density that can potentially lead to arthritis and osteoporosis. These illnesses can escort her until her last days. Low estrogen levels can also lower collagen levels that can lead to weakening and wrinkling of the skin. Other physical effects of a decline in collagen are weakening of teeth, and drying and thinning of hair and nails.

Other physical and chemical changes that an aging woman undergoes include inability to create ample anti bodies, hence, decreasing her body’s defenses against infections and diseases. Generally, the vital organs also show a decline in their functioning, hence, making an impact on her general well-being.

The Ageing Process – Psychological Changes in a Woman

The hormonal imbalance brought about by menopause also lead to changes on how aging women behave. Their self-esteem takes a plunge as they feel that they are slowly losing their physical allure. They become irritable, lose their sexual drive and some even fall into the spell of depression as they start to feel that the curtain of life is about to be brought down.

Not all women go through this, however. Some women who have kept their optimism alive spend their mellowed remaining years of their lives doing the things that they wanted to do but did not have the time to accomplish in their younger years due to busy schedules and other priorities.

The Ageing Process – Social Changes in a Woman

The social future of a woman depends on her overall health and how she approaches life. Women who fall ill due to aging may have no choice but to limit her social life and isolate herself from the world.

In contrast, sociable women who see the world with more optimism find time to connect with others through community activities or with people who share the same interests and hobbies. These socially active old women often have effectively squirreled away enough funds for her retirement to afford her to do the things she intends to accomplish.

The ageing process is an inescapable reality that affects everyone, not just the women. We have two choices in tackling this dreaded eventuality, either we ignore it and live in denial, or we embrace it and enjoy life while it lasts.

See related articles.

“Having Hot Flashes”

“How Declining Sex Hormones to Lead to Fat Gain”

“7 Things You Must Tell Your Doctor Before Taking Estrogen Hormone Replacement Therapy”

“How Natural Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Differs From Traditional HRT”

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Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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