January 25, 2011

Anti Aging Doctors

Anti aging doctorHow Anti Aging Doctors Can Help You?

Are you trying to optimize your health, but don’t where to go?  Are you tired of hearing your doctor tell you that “you’re getting old” and “have to accept it”?  Seek the help of anti aging doctors (anti ageing doctors).

We invite you to visit our physician directory at livelongstayyoung.com to identify names of physicians specializing in the field of Anti-Aging Medicine and Age Management Medicine.

In addition, both the American Academy of Anti-Aging(A4M) and the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG) provide a directory of anti-aging or age management physicians on their websites.

Nationwide medical practices that specialize in Anti-Aging and Age Management include Cenegenics Medical Institute and BodyLogicMD.  Both companies have practices and centers throughout the United States.

Board Certification

The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) does not accredit physician training in the field of Anti-Aging and Age Management.  The American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine provide board certification in Anti-Aging, and the Age Management Medicine Group will soon offer board certification to physicians in Age Management.   Neither one of these board certifications, however, are yet recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties, or ABMS.

Attraction to Anti-Aging

Doctors enter the field of Anti-Aging Medicine and Age Management for many reasons.  Some physicians become frustrated with sick-care model that our health care system has evolved into, believing that there should be more emphasis on prevention and wellness, and that there should be more emphasis on obtaining an optimal state of health.

Some doctors tire of dealing with insurance companies and third party interference.  Anti-Aging and Age Management doctors typically see fewer patients a day and enjoy spending more time with patients, and being able to provide more detailed and personal care than they could under the traditional model of medicine.  This all contributes to a high level of physician and patient satisfaction.

Doctors attracted to Anti-Aging and Age Management are proactive when it comes to their own health and, practice what they preach making them excellent role models for their patients.  They also come from diverse medical backgrounds enabling the sharing of knowledge and experience from all medical specialties.

Growing, Growing, and Growing

Anti-Aging Medicine is the fastest growing area in medicine.  Anti aging doctors are well-trained and well position to assist the Baby Boomers live their golden years in a state of optimal health and giving them an opportunity live a productive life full of verve, vigor, and vitality.

See related articles.

Anti Aging

Anti Aging Clinics

“The Future of Anti Ageing Medicine”

“Anti Aging Clinics: an Overview”

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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