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January 20, 2012

Stem Cells: the Future is Now!

Stem cells and anti aging treatmentsStem Cells in the News

Remember that CNN article we reviewed and commented on January 3, 2012?  Remember this statement from the article? “Yet aging is a natural process, not a medical condition, and there isn’t any therapy that can reverse it or slow it down, Olshansky says. Perhaps he hasn’t heard of stem cells. Official medical associations from the Endocrine Society to the American Medical Association warn against using “anti-aging” interventions.”

Now watch this video on FoxNews regarding stem cells and anti-aging treatments. Quite a different view regarding anti-aging treatments and the future of medical treatments.  The opinion from some is that we should just accept aging and make no attempt to intervene, stop it, or reverse it.  What good is that?  And, that’s not really human nature – to let things be or ignore them. Simply by studying the aging process new treatments will be developed to combat disease even if we fall short of actually extending the life span.  You can’t accomplish something if you don’t even try. Yet, that is what many want us to do when it comes to slowing or reverse aging – not try.

Should You Bank Your Own Stem Cells?

The FoxNews video discusses banking your own stem cells to potentially be used at a later date should you be afflicted with disease. That service is available now. AssureImmune, NeoStem, American CryoStem are among a growing list of companies that bank and preserve stem cells. Younger stem cells are more likely to be more effective should you ever need them, so you may wish to consider banking your stem cells now rather than someday down the road.

More and more is being learned about stem cells everyday. While we wait for this technology to catch up to it’s potential, and to better prepare for the future, it’s important to continue to eat well, exercise, and keep your hormone levels optimized.

See related articles.

“Stem Cell Extracts and Skin Care”

“Stem Cells: The Controversial Anti Aging Treatment”



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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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