Herbal teas have become popular in recent years. The flavor and aroma of many herbal teas are comforting and soothing and make a tasty alternative to caffeinated drinks. Moreover, there are plenty of herbal tea benefits that people should take advantage of.
Besides tasting pleasant, herbal teas can contain healthful ingredients that can help you feel better. Here are the top nine herbal teas along with their health benefits that you can drink to improve your health while providing you with a delicious drink.
1: Essiac Tea
Essiac tea has been traditionally used to prevent cancer and keep the body free of toxins. Four main ingredients comprise the tea, including burdock root, sheep sorrel, Indian rhubarb root and Slippery elm bark. Essiac tea was discovered in 1922 by Nurse Rene Caisse, who used it for its health-giving qualities.
All this plant mix provide great herbal tea benefits that only a few other teas can compete with. Burdock root is well-known for its capacity to keep the intestinal tract healthy and enhance the immune system’s response. Sheep sorrel cools the body and supports optimal kidney health. Indian rhubarb root, when used in small amounts, supports the liver in eliminating waste.
And finally, the tannins and other naturally occurring ingredients in Slippery Elm tea create a healthy elimination of the body’s excess mucus. The Slippery Elm’s inner bark has been used as a healing tea for generations.
2: Dandelion Tea
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) tea is made from the roots of the common dandelion plant. One must dry the roots and use them to create a health-giving tea. While straight dandelion tea may be a bitter drink, frequently other more flavorful ingredients are added to the dried, powdered root to make the drink more palatable. Or, if only dandelion tea is desired, honey or another natural sweetener can be added to the tea.
The benefits of using dandelion root are many. One of the key herbal tea benefits is that it purifies the liver of toxins. Dandelion tea is also frequently used to aid weight loss, as it acts as a diuretic. It makes an excellent coffee substitute, and some say it even alleviates gout. Dandelion tea builds up iron in the blood, improves eyesight and reduces acne as well as aiding other skin ailments.
3: Chamomile Tea
The delicate white flowers of the chamomile plant, when dried, make a delicious tea that tastes like apples and honey. Along with having a lovely aroma and delicate flavor that needs little to no sweetening, chamomile herbal tea benefits are numerous.
Chamomile may be one of the most popular types of herbal tea. The herbal tea benefits of chamomile include:
- Being a sleep aid.
- Relaxing stressed individuals.
- Soothing skin problems.
- Reducing swelling.
- Antibacterial properties.
- Soothing an upset stomach.
- Relieving menstrual distress.
4: Spearmint Tea
This tea is generically sold as “mint” tea. The flavoring of spearmint has been used to flavor candy and gum for generations and makes a lovely tea that needs very little sweetening. Spearmint tea also has herbal tea benefits such as:
- Calming stomach upset and gas pains.
- Soothing IBS symptoms.
- Reducing gallbladder pain and swelling.
- Relieving sore throats.
- Soothing coughs.
- Calming the pain in arthritis.
- Relaxes muscles.
The menthol oil found in spearmint tea is reputed to be the active ingredient that makes drinking the tea soothing and calming.
5: Peppermint Tea
Peppermint is somewhat similar to spearmint tea, but the warm oil of the peppermint leaves has a stronger, less sweet natural flavor. In addition to tasting wonderful, the herbal tea benefits of peppermint make it a healthful tea to drink routinely.
Some of the health benefits of this tea include:
- Soothes the ill effects of IBS.
- Helps with indigestion.
- Relieves abdominal spasms.
- Cures coughs and colds.
- Alleviates sinus infection symptoms.
- Relieves menstrual discomforts.
6: Ginger Tea
The roots of the ginger plant provide us with a tasty tea with a plethora of health benefits. People have always used ginger as an anti-inflammatory and reduces pain in the muscles and joints. It aids in digestion and drinking the tea reduces the stress that can occur from daily living.
Ginger tea consumption is also good at removing the ill effects of free radicals on the system, too. This warm tea also quiets menstrual cramps, acts as a diuretic and helps fight cold symptoms.
If you decide to drink an herbal tea that doesn’t taste so great, add some ginger tea and sweetener, like honey, to improve the taste.
7: Green Rooibos Tea
Green rooibos tea is high in antioxidants. Green Rooibos tea contains aspalathin and nothofagin, which are antioxidant chemicals that occur naturally in the tea. Not only does rooibos tea prevent aging but this nutritious tea also enhances circulation, improves cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.
8: Lemon Tea
One can make lemon tea from the rind, juice, and peels of the lemon fruit. Lemon herbal tea benefits include:
- A large amount of Vitamin C, which prevents scurvy.
- Bioflavonoids, which are antioxidants and the active healing ingredient in lemons.
- Reduces ringing in the ears.
- Combating cold and flu infections.
- Aids in the prevention and removal of kidney stones.
- Reduces inflammation and pain.
- Increases urination and reduces fluid retention.
- Improves blood vessel function.
- Is a delightful flavoring.
9: Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon balm tea is created by infusing the leaves, blossoms and upper stems of the Melissa Officinalis plant.
Using lemon balm tea adds a lemony flavor to tea and may also work to include herbal tea benefits such as:
- Anxiety and stress reduction.
- Heals the lips from cold sores and prevents the spread of the infection.
- Soothing colic in breast fed infants, especially in combination with chamomile.
- May alleviate dementia symptoms.
- Reduces upset stomach, reflux and nausea, and gas, especially when combined with peppermint.
- Relaxing a person, so they sleep better.
- Reduces blood pressure
- Acts as an anti-inflammatory for swollen airways in those that have a cold or the flu or arthritis.
Putting It All Together
Start with a tea whose flavor appeals to you, or whose benefits you need. Try enjoying a cup of herbal tea to soothe and relax your nerves, give health benefits, and improve your general feeling of well-being. As you can see, there is a wide range of herbal tea benefits so don’t hesitate to drink these miracle plant potions.