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  • Are You In Need of the Hormone Replacement Therapy Testosterone?

March 14, 2012

Are You In Need of the Hormone Replacement Therapy Testosterone?

hormone replacement therapy
Artwork courtesy of PIxabay

Hormone Replacement Therapy Testosterone For Men

Both men and women have their respective normal levels of testosterone in the body as it is essential in preserving muscle bulk, bone density, and sufficient levels of red blood cells. For males, this hormone is vital for the proper development of masculine sexual traits, as well as for the proper functioning of the sexual and reproductive system.

Unfortunately, some men produce insufficient testosterone levels that may be due to a number of factors. Hence, the need for hormone replacement therapy testosterone.

Determining If You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy Testosterone

Blood testing by your doctor is the single precise method of determining your testosterone level. To confirm that you have a deficiency, you may be tested more than once because testosterone levels are inclined to rise and fall throughout the day. Most doctors, however, recommend measuring testosterone levels in the morning, the particular time of the day when testosterone levels are in their highest.

But, blood levels alone should not be used to determine if a man is testosterone deficient since what a normal testosterone level is for one man may not be for another.  It’s also important to look at symptoms of testosterone deficiency listed below.

Signs That Tell You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy Testosterone

Before going through such test, you may want to observe yourself for some symptoms of this deficiency. Symptoms of testosterone deficiency include:

  • a decline in sex drive
  • waning sense of well-being
  • feeling depressed or moody
  • difficulties with concentration and memory
  • erectile dysfunction
  • lack of energy

You may also be able to observe certain changes in your body if you have testosterone insufficiency, including:

  • a decrease in body hair
  • diminishing muscle mass, and an increase in body fat
  • variable effects on cholesterol metabolism
  • a drop in hemoglobin and possibly mild anemia
  • fragile bones (osteoporosis)

Causes of Testosterone Deficiency

Age is one factor and the major factor of testosterone deficit. When you reach the age of 30, your body begins to produce less and less of the male hormone throughout life.

Below is a list of other possible culprits of a low testosterone levels:

  • AIDS
  • alcoholism
  • chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer
  • chronic illness
  • chronic renal failure
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • congenital conditions, Kallman’s Syndrome
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland
  • genetic abnormalities such as Klinefelter’s Syndrome
  • hemochromatosis
  • inflammatory disease such as sarcoidosis
  • injury or infection to the testicles
  • medications, like hormone analogues used to treat prostate cancer and steroids
  • stress

When Not To Take Hormone Replacement Therapy Testosterone

1. If you have prostate cancer. Supplementing testosterone may spur the growth of an existing prostate, but is not felt to cause prostate cancer. It is, therefore, important to have a digital rectal examination and PSA test prior to starting hormone replacement therapy testosterone.

2. If you have breast cancer. It is rare for men to develop breast cancer, but it does occur and testosterone replacement therapy is contraindicated in men with breast cancer.

It is essential to properly determine if you need hormone replacement therapy testosterone and to be evaluated by someone well-trained and experienced in hormone replacement therapy.

See related articles, “Low Testosterone Symptoms“,“Nonsexual Symptoms of Low T”, and “How to Increase Testosterone Levels“.

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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