There are many names of sugar. Sugar was once referred to as “crack” in France a few centuries back. It really is an addictive substance. We’ve discussed in the past how sugar leads to elevation in insulin levels and inflammation increasing the risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and more. But, the ill effects of sugar go well beyond that.
Sugar affects our neurotransmitters and hormone levels. Sugar is a powerful mood modifier. Sugar triggers a surge of neurotransmitters like serotonin and endorphins giving us that “sugar high”. But, after repeated bouts of sugar intake we become depleted in these neurotransmitters. Likewise, sugar place a tremendous stress on the adrenal glands that make cortisol and some of our sex hormones especially in women. Over time the adrenals become exhausted and with it so do we.
Sugar is the primary fuel that feeds cancers of all types.
The Many Names of Sugar
All of the following are the names that sugar hides behind. Â You can think of them as sugar’s aliases. Don’t be fooled. Read food labels carefully and avoid foods that contains these sweeteners as much as possible so you can minimize your risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and stroke.
Agave nectar                         Ethyl maltol                          Raw sugar
Barley malt syrup                     Fructose                            Refiner’s sugar
Barley malt                           Fruit juice (and concentrate)          Rice syrup
Beet sugar                            Glucose                             Saccharose
Brown sugar                          Golden sugar                        Sorbitol
Buttered syrup                        Golden syrup                        Sorghum (syrup)
Cane juice                            Grape sugar                         Sucrose
Cane juice crystals                    High fructose corn syrup             Sugar
Caramel                              Honey                               Syrup
Carob syrup                          Invert sugar                         Treacle
Confectioner’s sugar                  Lactose                             Turbinado sugar
Corn sweetener                       Maltodextrin                         Xylose
Corn syrup                           Malt syrup                           Yellow sugar
Date sugar                           Maltose
Dehydrated cane juice                 Mannitol
Dextrose                             Maple syrup
Diastatic malt                         Molasses
Also, be careful eating any food that contains 16 grams or more of total carbohydrate per serving. Avoid eating carbs alone. Pair them with a protein/fat source, which will delay absorption of the carbohydrate blunting the rise in blood sugar and insulin. Vinegar with a meal (teaspoon or two) also blunts the rise in blood sugar and insulin. Eat two or three small snacks between meals. This will give your body a nice stream of energy throughout the day.
Remember to read the fine print on the food label. Know the names of sugar.
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What about Splenda?
Splenda is made up of dextrose and maltodextrin. It was actually initially developed as pesticide/insecticide and works great on ant hills. It contains chlorine. Splenda is 600 times sweeter than sugar. Artifical sweetners, though they contain no calories, can trigger an insulin response as the taste of sweetness is a stimulant for insulin release in some individuals. This can cause blood sugar to crash and stimulate more hunger and eating. Plus excess insulin makes us fat. I typically recommend staying away from Splenda and recommend natural sweeteners. Acceptable ones include honey, agave nectar (the real stuff) or molasses all in small amounts. Hope that helps. Joe
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