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  • The Truth About Low Testosterone

August 6, 2011

The Truth About Low Testosterone

low testosterone
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Low Testosterone

In this interview Dr. Manny Alvarez of FoxNewsHealth interviews Dr. Jeffry Life, a pioneer in Age Management Medicine, about the health consequences of low testosterone.  Click here to see the interview. Dr. Life points out that low testosterone affects every aspect of a man’s life, something that we strongly agree with.

The main symptoms associated with low testosterone (low T) include loss of morning or spontaneous erections, a lack of energy, lack of focus, lack of drive or motivation, depression, and mood swings. Other signs or symptoms include a loss of bone density, loss of muscle mass, and a gain in body fat especially around the belly.

As you can see many of these symptoms of low T are nonsexual. The reason for that is there are receptors for testosterone in cells throughout the body. Thus, low testosterone affects the entire body.

Monitoring Patients with Low T

For those men receiving testosterone replacement Dr. Life stresses the importance of being closely monitored by a knowledgeable physician. There’s more to managing a patient with low T than simply giving them a prescription. It’s important that blood counts, PSA level, and other related hormone levels be measured on a regular basis to minimize side effects. Dosages and routes of administration sometimes need to be adjusted, too.

Dr. Life dispels the common myth, even held by many physicians, that testosterone increases the risk of prostate cancer explaining that risk of prostate cancer is actually higher in the presence of low testosterone.

On August 8 we will post Dr. Paul’s review of Dr. Life’s book, The Life Plan.

See related articles.

“The Need to Treat Low T is Catching On”

“Androgen Replacement Therapy”

“The Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy in Men”

“What are the Risks of Male Hormone Therapy?”

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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