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January 26, 2012

Lentil Soup with Turkey Sausage and Spinach

Lentil Soup with Turkey Sausage and Spinach

Now that the weather is cooler in most part of the country a good bowl of soup might taste good to many of you.  Try this Lentil Soup with Turkey Sausage and Spinach recipe.

Why You Should Try this Lentil Soup Recipe

Turkey is a lean source of protein and lentils are also a good source of protein as well as complex carbohydrates – so you won’t see a rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin which promote fat.  Spinach is a great green leafy vegetable high in antioxidants, and as we mentioned in a previous post high in nitrates/nitrites which improve nitric oxide levels. You also get healthy fats in form of olive oil – you do need some fat.  Let’s not forget all those phytonutrients found in tomatos, either.

Lentil Soup with Turkey Sausage and Spinach

Makes 2 servings

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes



3 low-fat turkey sausages, cubed

2 tsp olive oil

1 10-oz. can lentil soup (Health Valley or Amy’s Lentil Vegetable)

1 10-oz. can tomatoes (crushed or diced) or 1 cup fresh, chopped

1 10-oz. bag fresh spinach, chopped

Grated cheese



  1. Add the olive oil to a medium saucepan and sauté
    the turkey sausage until browned.
  2. Add lentil soup and tomatoes.
  3. When soup comes to a simmer, add in chopped
  4. When spinach has wilted (just a few minutes)
    serve in soup bowls.
  5. Garnish with grated cheese
Stay warm with this healthy recipe for lentil soup. Tell us what you think.


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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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