March 15, 2020

Bone Broth for Weight Loss?

We came across this article discussing how Mark Wahlberg lost 10 pounds in five days by mainly consuming bone broth. Now Mr. Wahlberg seems like an honest guy, and if anyone knows how to cut weight and get shredded quickly, it is him.

bone broth
Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash

We are little confused by his statement, however, “I just did bone broth and a fast and a cleanse and I literally lost 10 pounds in five days. I lost five percent body fat and I lost 20 pounds of visceral fat literally in five days.”

We assume he had a body composition test before and after to determine that he lost visceral fat which is the fat around our organs. But, if he lost 20 pounds of visceral fat and 10 pounds total, that would mean he gained 10 pounds of muscle during those five days, which we don’t understand how that would be possible. Gaining 10 pounds of muscle in 5 days would be harder than losing a total of 10 pounds of weight (much of which is likely fluid) in five days.

Colon Cleanse

The average male has about a pound of stool in his colon. So just flushing stool out with a cleanse only leads to one pound of weight loss. There are different types of colon cleanses ranging from supplements that clean the colon to irrigation of the colon with fluids and other substance. If you ever had a colonoscopy then you did a colon cleanse.

Now during colonic irrigation up to 16 gallons of fluids and other substances are flushed into the colon. This doesn’t mean that colonic irrigation leads to 16 gallons of fluid loss being extracted from the colon. This means 16 gallons of fluid are being introduced into the colon to remove waste.

Some people report losing 20 pounds in 30 days following a colon cleanse. But, what else are they doing during those 30 days? Mr. Wahlberg was largely fasting with exception of consuming bone broth.

How much does a gallon of water weigh? About 8 to 9 pounds; 8.34 pounds to be more precise.

So how did Mr. Wahlberg lose 10 pounds in five days? We suspect that most of Mr. Wahlberg’s weight loss came from nine pounds of fluid or water loss and a pound from elimination of stool from the colon as a result of the colon cleanse.

Nutritional Benefits of Bone Broth

It does turn out, though, the bone broth does have health and nutritional benefits.

  • Bones are high in calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  • Bone marrow is high in iron, vitamins A and K, fatty acids, selenium, zinc, and manganese.
  • Bone broth is high in collagen which is a key component of our skin and connective tissue throughout the body.
  • Bone broth is high in amino acids which are the building blocks of protein.

As a result of these nutrients, consuming bone broth may help protect the joints from arthritic or degenerative joint disease.

Bone Broth for Weight Loss?

Can you consume bone broth for weight loss? Consuming bone broth would have enabled Mr. Wahlberg to obtain and adequate enough nutrients while he fasted and performed the colon cleanse, but we doubt it had much to do with his weight loss which we believe is the result of water loss from fasting and any fluid loss from the colon cleanse, plus up to a pound of loss of stool from the colon.

Have you ever tried bone broth? I did after reading the article about Mr. Wahlberg. I picked some up at Whole Foods. It was pretty nasty and I only took about 5 spoonfuls of it. I give Mr. Wahlberg credit if he consumed that for five days.


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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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