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  • Wheatgrass Benefits and How to Take It for Best Results

March 11, 2017

Wheatgrass Benefits and How to Take It for Best Results

wheatgrass benefits
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Wheatgrass is fresh grass from a common wheat plant called triticum aestivum. It is not meant to replace vegetables in a daily diet. But the wheatgrass benefits provide several potent antioxidants to our bodies. These come along with other nutrients.

Because wheatgrass leaves are difficult to digest, they are typically crushed and squeezed to create a juice. They can be dried and put into capsule form.


Here, we will focus on the benefits of wheatgrass. This also includes the most effective ways to take it. It is important to remember that the benefits of wheatgrass are not definitive. So if you are experiencing severe symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor.

7 Top Wheatgrass Benefits for Your Health

1. It Alkalizes the Body

A vital part of wheatgrass benefits is its ability to alkalize the body. Acidosis is the high level of acid in the body. It is a common health problem due to environmental toxins and highly processed foods. This can result in cancers, in the worst case scenario. But there are also other diseases that thrive in these acidic environments. However, once the body is alkalized, these diseases are not able to survive.

So, how does wheatgrass do this? The chlorophyll that is in wheatgrass is chiefly responsible. Chlorophyll helps to stabilize the pH level in the body and protect its cells. For this reason, chlorophyll consumption is known to have many health benefits. Among them there are the anti-aging effects.

The effective dose of wheatgrass for alkalizing the body depends on a few individual factors. These can be age, weight, overall health, and other conditions. It is sold in powder, capsules, pills, and tablets. So it is best to follow the manufacturer’s dosing instructions to provide your body with the chlorophyll that it needs.

Wheatgrass is likely to be safe when it is taken in food amounts. Adults who supplement with wheatgrass by mouth in medicinal amounts are likely safe as well. However, there is not enough information about the safety of wheatgrass with long-term use. Wheatgrass may cause nausea, constipation, and loss of appetite. These side effects are often the sign of a wheatgrass allergy.

2. Boosts Nutrient Absorbtion

One of the best wheatgrass benefits is that it boosts the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Specifically, it helps the body absorb electrolytes, vitamins E and C. Meanwhile, it also provides the body with vitamins A, K, and B6. It also contains antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolic acid, calcium, selenium, amino acids, iron, and magnesium.

Boosting nutrient absorption is important because the majority of people have poor digestion. Typically, this is a result of eating processed foods over the years. Consuming a poor diet limits the body’s ability to effectively absorb nutrients from vegetables. Wheatgrass helps to pre-digest foods for you. The plant enables you to absorb the most nutrition, rather than excrete it.

3. Reduces Free Radical Damage

Wheatgrass benefits include its strong antioxidant properties. So it can also decrease any damage done to the body by free radicals. Their presence may lead to aging and the formation of disease. Wheatgrass significantly lowers the liver’s production of lipid peroxidation. Also, it protects the mitochondria within the body’s cells. This results in reduced inflammation and a decreased risk for diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease.

Antioxidant levels in foods are measured by their ORAC values. Here, wheatgrass has a very high score compared to other natural extracts and vegetables. This is what helps wheatgrass reduce free radical damage and keep the body oxidated.

4. Raises Immunity & Disease Protection

One of the wheatgrass benefits that can work for almost anyone is its ability to boost the immune system. Yes, it also protects the body against diseases. Studies have shown that wheatgrass can fight cancer by inducing the self-destruction of cancerous cells. Its benefits for the overall function of the immune system include fighting oxidative stress and regulating immunological activity. This activity is responsible for causing cell mutations.

Wheatgrass has also been shown to reduce fatigue, malabsorption of vital nutrients, and deficiencies. It has also been known to have synergistic benefits to people suffering from immune-related conditions. They usually notice the effects for rheumatoid arthritis, blood diseases, ulcerative colitis, obesity, and diabetes.

5. Lowers High Cholesterol & Triglycerides

Wheatgrass helps lower high cholesterol and high levels of triglyceride. Studies on rabbits who ate a high-fat diet resulting in hyperlipidemia showed that wheatgrass supplementation, when taken along with the high-fat diet, created an improvement in lipid levels by decreasing the total cholesterol and increasing HDL-C. This high-fat diet caused the rabbits to have hyperlipidemia and increased oxidative stress. These came along with decreased antioxidant levels and lower levels of vitamin C. Wheatgrass also benefitted the rabbits by significantly reducing MDA levels and increasing glutathione and vitamin C levels.

You may have a history of poor diets consisting of processed and high-fat foods. In this case, wheatgrass can reduce the damage that these foods have done to the body.

6. Improves Digestion

Wheatgrass is related to the wheat grown for flour. Its juice contains several things that enhance digestion. The digestive benefits of wheatgrass have been backed up by several research studies. The juice is potent in vitamin B, enzymes, and amino acids. All of these help to promote effective and healthy digestion. Wheatgrass can help constipation, IBS, stomach ulcers, and various other stomach problems.

It is the high level of enzymes in wheatgrass that help to improve digestion. They cause your body to break down foods properly and effectively and absorb the nutrients. Enzymes are a very important part of good digestion. But unfortunately, the average diet is very deficient in the enzymes it needs. Adding a serving of wheatgrass juice to your diet each day can help rebalance your enzyme levels. Consequently, this improves your digestion.

The chlorophyll content in wheatgrass also promotes proper digestion. Chlorophyll is valued for its ability to detoxifying the body. It works by filtering out toxins from the blood and supporting proper liver function. The most important thing that it does for digestion is to cleanse the bowels. Bowels works better when they are clean. So they result in less gas, abdominal discomfort, and bloating after eating.

7. Improves Skin Conditions

The antioxidants that are in wheatgrass enhance your natural health and provide you with glowing skin. Wheatgrass juice helps to reduce the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. It can even help cure sunburn. Drinking wheatgrass juice each day is also great for acne-prone skin. Also, it helps to reduce the appearance of scars or blemishes.

You can even apply wheatgrass topically. Just dab it on the problem and it will help to encourage and facilitate healing.

Thoughts on Wheatgrass

Clearly, this plant has both internal and external benefits for the body. It is an overall body healer than many people choose to use. This way, they try to erase years of bad decision making when it comes to food. Wheatgrass benefits are almost limitless. So it is great to see if your particular health issue can be resolved using wheatgrass.

What wheatgrass benefits have you found to be the most effective? Share them below so others can learn from your experience with this amazing plant.


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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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