Stop-Gap Weight Loss Solutions

Marketing calls them quick weight loss solutions when they are merely just marketing hoopla. You may have heard of so and so losing weight in a week or two by taking a certain pill or by following a certain weight loss program, and similar stories. Yes, you may lose weight in just a short time, but the more important question is “will these quick fixes endure for the long haul?” For any solution to be effective, it must permanently resolve the problem, otherwise it is just downright palliative.
Logical Weight Loss Solutions
Despite the emergence of recently developed weight loss programs and products, two simple but key principles in losing weight remain firm and relevant. To lose weight you have to decrease your caloric intake to reduce your stored fat, and increase your physical activity to hike up your metabolic system allowing you to burn more calories. These translate to devising effective exercise programs and diet plans. However, some people cannot help but go back to their old habits, and consequently, to their old shape after some time of complying with proper exercise and diet, spoiling all the efforts and self-control they have invested. Why is it not enough to modify your actions only?
Lasting Weight Loss Solutions Start In The Mind
Shedding the pounds takes more than just suppressing the appetite and spurring the body to move. It is also a matter of changing a mindset that is askew and beliefs that have become distorted. The effects of changing the way you think will cascade down to your emotions, actions and consequently into permanent results. Shifting your paradigm will avert you from going back to your old ways.
Binge eaters or those who resort to comfort food when they feel down or stressed will most likely benefit from this approach. Merely restricting your food intake may just stoke your cravings all the more.
So What Are These Mindset-Shifting Weight Loss Solutions
One option recommended by some weight loss experts is cognitive behavioral therapy particularly for binge eaters. This will help you deal with the emotional root of your weight problem. Do not believe though in binge eating medications because their effects are just palliative and can even obscure the actual problem.
Dr. Phil shares the same weight loss concept and recommends erecting a support system to help you endure in carrying out the plan, and this is by changing the habits of the mind. His mindset shifting approach includes owning up to your reactions, resolving your problems, decelerating your thinking, questioning your beliefs, securing closure for unresolved issues, learning to forgive and coping with food.