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  • The Anti-Inflammation Zone: By Barry Sears, Ph.D.

October 21, 2011

The Anti-Inflammation Zone: By Barry Sears, Ph.D.

The Anti-Inflammation Zone book

Get Into The Anti-Inflammation Zone

In The Anti-Inflammation Zone Barry Sears, Ph.D. makes the essential point that wellness is the absence of inflammation. Inflammation is at the root of many chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, and even neurologic diseases.

Dr. Sears is a leading researcher on the hormonal effects of food and founder of the Zone Diet. In The Anti-Inflammation Zone Dr. Sears discusses in easy to understand language the nature of inflammation and its harmful effects on the body and that it is the silent inflammation that we barely detect that is a causative factor for the many chronic diseases we face.

You will learn what eicosanoids are and how these fleeting hormones control and influence the inflammatory process.

The Anti-Inflammation Zone provides nutritional suggestions to reduce inflammation including use of supplements with an appropriately lengthy discussion on the many health benefits and use of fish oil. We can control inflammation by what and how we eat and The Anti-Inflammation Zone provides several recipes for health cooking and eating. The book also discusses how exercise can control inflammation.

The later chapter discuss how the inflammation that causes chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease can be combated.

Optimal health begins by controlling inflammation and understanding inflammation begins with this book – The Anti-Inflammation Zone. Click image to order this must have book (audiobook) from Amazon.

The Anti-Inflammation Zone: By Barry Sears, Ph.D.



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