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January 1, 2014

Live Life with Enthusiasm and Emotion in 2014 and Every Year After

Begin 2014 energetically and start to live life. Resolve to live this year and every year with enthusiasm and emotion.

Take time and listen to and watch one of the best inspirational speeches of all time. You’ll be glad you did. Laugh, think, and allow your emotions to be moved each and everyday. Do that and you will get the most from each day, the most from each year, and the most from life.

As Jim Valvano said,  don’t give up, don’t ever give up! Watch his famous ESPY speech from 1993 in the video below and learn to live life with enthusiasm and emotion.

Who is Jim Valvano?

Jim Valvano is best known as the former head coach of North Carolina State University. His Wolfpack team of 1983 shocked the college basketball world by upsetting the heavily favored Houston Cougars and Phi Slamma Jamma for the NCAA Basketball Championship at the buzzer in one of the great finishes in sports history. After retiring from coaching, Jimmy V (as he was called) became a basketball analyst for ESPN.

He was diagnosed with metastatic adenocarcinoma in June of 1992. He gave the now famous “Don’t Give Up” ESPY speech on March 3, 1993. He would die 56 days later on 4/28/93 at the age of 47. He died way too young, but boy did he sure live life. He knew where he came from, he knew what he wanted, he knew how to get it, and he got busy going after it. There’s no better way to live life – with intensity, enthusiasm, and emotion.

Laughter is great medicine – so be sure to do it. Laugh at the big things. But, try even harder to laugh at the small things. Think! Ignorance is not bliss. Don’t be too busy getting through the day that you don’t take the necessary time to reflect on your life and make the necessary adjustments so you live the life you want. Make sure that what you do is the product of your own conclusion. Don’t squelch your emotions. Be passionate in all that you do – work hard, play hard, and love hard.

We get one chance to live life on this planet. Make the most of it. Don’t live someone else’s life. Don’t live up to others’ expectations. Be the person you want to be! Your heart knows what you want – so listen to it and follow it. There’s no better year to enjoy the best year of life than 2014. Resolve to live this year with enthusiasm and emotion! And, never give up!

Stay Healthy Our Friends!

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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