January 25, 2011

How to Lose Weight Quickly?

Quick weight loss

How to Lose Weight Quickly

In our fast paced society people want to know how to lose weight quickly.  Unfortunately, quick weight loss is usually not healthy.  Weight loss is best achieved slowly at a rate of one to two pounds a week by consuming low glycemic foods, regular exercise, and hormonal optimization.

Many weight loss programs are successful in getting patients to lose weight, but keeping weight off is another matter.  That’s because many weight loss programs are not practical for the long term.  As a result, 85% of those who lose weight regain it all back within 2 years.

Fad or crash diets promote loss of water and protein and less fat loss, and are generally unhealthy for the long-term.  Many fad or crash diets actually end up lowering our body’s metabolism making it more difficult to burn energy and lose weight.

One popular diet today that touts rapid weight loss is the HCG Diet.  And there is always weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) that can lead to some rather quick weight loss.

How to Lose Weight Quickly: HCG Diet

A popular weight loss program today that touts quick weight loss is the HCG Diet.  HCG stands for human choriongonatropin, which is a hormone produced in pregnant women.  Its role is to keep the mother and fetus well nourished during pregnancy.

The HCG Diet is usually 6 weeks in length.  In addition, to daily HCG injections (or use of sublingual drops) the individual consumes 500 to 750 calories a day.  The diet consists of high quality protein and fiber.  The premise of the HCG Diet is that although the 500 to 750 calories is low, the additional calories the body needs come from the breakdown of fat by HCG.  Of course, one will lose weight initially if consuming only 500 to 750 calories.  But, with time metabolism slows down making further weight loss increasingly difficult.

The problem is that though the body’s fat stores may provide the additional calories to support the many functions of the body, those fat stores do not provide all the other nutrients (vitamins and mineral among others) to support the metabolic demands of the body.  The body needs more than just calories to function. It’s difficult to get all those nutrients from 500 to 750 calories a day.

A half-pound to 3 pounds of weight loss per day is reported to occur from the HCG Diet.  Exercise assists with further weight loss.  The diet can be associated with hunger, headaches, and blurry vision.

The HCG Diet has been associated with as much as 40 pounds of weight loss in 40 days.

Long-term results are not known at this time.  Unless long term life-style changes are implemented it is reasonable to expect at least some weight gain once the diet is stopped.  Consuming so few calories for weeks can be unhealthy.

Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is reserved for individuals who are morbidly obese, or those with a body-mass index (BMI) over 40.  Weight loss surgery is considered successful if there is a 50% in weight that is maintained at 3 to 5 years.  Weight loss surgery is many times successful and reduces incidence of many disorders associated with obesity such as, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, arthritis, and heart disease.

Weight loss surgery is major surgery, and likewise is associated with potential complications some of which are life threatening.  The more common complications include bleeding, infection, blockage or tearing of the bowel, and need for further surgery.

Hormones: An Often Overlooked FactorHow to Lose Weight Quickly?

A deficiency in any number of hormones is frequently related to excessive weight.   If you struggle with weight, it is important to have your thyroid function checked and your growth hormone and DHEA levels measured.  Women should have their estrogen and progesterone levels measured.  Likewise, men should have their testosterone levels measured.  Hormones in the optimal range make the body run more efficiently and help support the body’s many functions.  See “Anti Aging Hormones“.

Tortoise and the Hare

When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, like the turtle and the hare, slow and steady wins the race.  Eat smart.  Exercise smart.  Get your hormone levels checked.

Related articles include “How to Lose Weight” and “Weight Loss Tips“.

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

  1. You can use the American Diabetes Association exchange list for meal planning to create a diet plan that works for you. The diets are prepared to fill your caloric needs of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Avoid saturated fats and simple sugars. Try to limit your cholesterol intake and include high fiber and high complex carbohydrates into your diet program.

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