April 24, 2019

So God Created Mothers

So God Created Mothers


Joe Jacko, MD

So God Created MothersAfter God created the universe He knew it alone was not sufficient to produce, nurture, and sustain human life.

So God created mothers.

Long before you were born, before you were conceived, before you were even a thought, God knew that a special someone was needed to deliver you into existence and share you with the world.

So God created mothers.

He needed someone to carry you in her womb for nine months stretching her body to its limits physically, mentally, and emotionally. Someone who could be trusted to nourish you from a one cell organism to a young adult and everything in between. Someone to provide for you and protect you until you could breathe and thrive on your own. Someone with the endurance to labor hours joyfully to bring you into the world. Someone who is tireless and whose devotion to you never ends.

So God created mothers.

He needed someone who could withstand you first punch, absorb your first kick, and marvel at your first somersault – and that’s just in utero. He needed someone who could distinguish your cry from hunger, from your cry from pain, from your cry for love.

So God created mothers.

He needed someone who could cook, bake, do laundry, sew, clean house, drive you to school when you missed the bus, or pick you up early because your tummy ached. Someone to take you to practice, attend your games, and help with your homework. Someone to read to you, to sing to you, to play games with you, and doing it hundreds of times as if each time were the first. 

So God created mothers.

He needed someone who could change your diaper, clean spilled milk, wipe your tears, bandage your cuts, and do it with a smile and reassure you confidently that “everything is going to be OK”.

So God created mothers.

He needed someone to mark each day of your life and highlight every milestone you reached. Someone to celebrate your birthdays and make your vacations and holidays memorable. Someone who shields you from feeling like you are hopelessly lost in space or merely a needle in haystack. Someone who, in fact, makes you the very center of her universe and the very purpose of her life.

So God created mothers.

He needed someone with remarkable healing powers. Someone whose kiss is gentle yet strong enough to eliminate your pain. Someone whose hug provides comfort and security and lets you know that you are not alone. Someone whose smile tells you that you please her and bring joy to her life. Someone whose powerful presence makes you feel safe, valued, and loved.

So God created mothers.

He needed someone who knows you better than you know yourself. Someone who knows when you are struggling and sad. Someone who feels your pain and disappointments. Someone who suffers with you in your defeats. Someone who defends you and remains in your corner even if you don’t deserve it. Someone who never ever abandons you.

So God created mothers.

He needed someone to always give you an encouraging word. Someone who believes in you even when others do not. Someone who acts in your best interest. Someone who rejoices in your victories. Someone who is always there for you even when you don’t want her to be.

So God created mothers.

He needed someone to teach you right from wrong. Someone to show you right from wrong. Someone to right you when you do wrong. So God created mothers.

He needed someone to give you roots to ground you and wings to let you soar. Someone who wishes for you all the best all the time with all her love. Someone who gives you her best always in hopes that you will always give yours. Someone who guides you to being the best you possible.

So God created mothers.

He needed someone who sacrifices far more than she receives in return. Someone loving, someone patient, someone understanding, someone generous, someone forgiving, someone kind, someone resilient, someone strong, someone loyal, someone faithful, and someone…… someone you could always believe in and trust.

He needed someone like Himself……. So God created MOTHERs!

To all Mothers ~ We thank you!


So God Created Mothers is patterned after Paul Harvey’s So God Made a Farmer featured in the following Ram Truck commercial that aired during the 2013 Super Bowl.

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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