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  • Top Eight Hyssop Tea Benefits You Didn’t Know About

December 16, 2017

Top Eight Hyssop Tea Benefits You Didn’t Know About

hyssop tea benefits
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Hyssop, a plant native to southern Europe and the Middle East, is commonly used in cooking for its fresh, minty flavor. However, did you know that it’s also good for your health? Hyssop tea benefits aren’t widely known. Nonetheless, this plant has been used for thousands of years to treat coughs and colds, sore throats, congestion, and even anxiety. The tea is made from the hyssop plant. Here are eight of the top hyssop tea benefits you didn’t know about!

It’s important to remember that while hyssop tea is certainly beneficial, it’s not the only way of treating ailments. More serious conditions should be addressed by a medical professional.

Eight Most Important Hyssop Tea Benefits

1. Helps Fight Coughs, Colds, and Respiratory Problems

Hyssop tea is an herbal tea that has long been used to soothe sore throats, as well as coughs and the common cold. Nonetheless, it can also help with respiratory issues by fighting lung inflammation and thinning out mucus. That’s because it’s packed with camphene. This is a phytochemical that can be used as an expectorant.

Consuming two to three cups per day of hyssop tea can help you breathe easier when fighting off respiratory illnesses. However, hyssop shouldn’t be used by pregnant women. It can induce bleeding and possibly miscarriage.

Top Eight Hyssop Tea Benefits You Didn’t Know About2. Improves Circulation and Blood Flow

One of the hyssop tea benefits that isn’t well known is its ability to improve blood flow and circulation. Consuming hyssop tea regularly can help regulate blood pressure. This, in turn, can reduce the risks of stroke or heart attack, which are commonly associated with long-term blood flow problems.

Drinking two to three cups of hyssop tea each day, using a teaspoon of hyssop in the cup, can also help with gout and swelling. If you are already taking medication for blood pressure, gout or circulation issues, talk to a medical professional before adding hyssop tea to your regimen.

Top Eight Hyssop Tea Benefits You Didn’t Know About3. Fights Back against Parasites

Hyssop tea can aid in fighting against parasitic infections in the body. This superpower comes from its attribute of being a natural vermifuge, or anti-parasitic agent. It can help relieve symptoms commonly associated with parasites such as nausea, fatigue, weakness, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

To get the full hyssop tea benefits for fighting intestinal parasites like ringworm, roundworm or tapeworm, drink two to three cups of hyssop tea per day. Add a teaspoon of dried hyssop in each cup, until symptoms subside. If you are already taking anti-parasitic medications, speak to a medical professional before adding hyssop into your care routine.

4. Relieves Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections

Hyssop tea has natural anti-bacterial properties. That’s why drinking the tea can help relieve the painful symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs). This can help stop the infection before it spreads to the kidneys.

Infuse a teaspoon of hyssop in a cup of hot water. Drink the tea two to three times per day until symptoms subside. Hyssop tea is best used alongside traditional treatment methods for UTIs. Therefore, speak to your doctor about how hyssop tea can offer pain relief.

5. Provides Relief from Menstrual Cramps

Hyssop tea can offer effective and natural relief from painful menstrual cramps. This is because the dried hyssop plant has anti-spasmodic properties. This can reduce the cramping and feelings of discomfort that many women experience during their periods, especially during the first few days.

It can also help induce menstruation if cramping is present, but there is no bleeding. For the best results, steep a teaspoon of hyssop in hot water and drink the tea as needed. Do not use hyssop tea for longer than one week, as it can cause excessive bleeding.

6. Aids in Digestion

Hyssop is a member of the mint family. Just like peppermint or spearmint, drinking hyssop tea can help aid in digestion. The tea acts as a stimulant for gastric juices. It helps your body to process the food you’ve eaten better and improving intestinal health and bowel function.

It can also eliminate issues such as gas, bloating or cramping, which are commonly associated with digestion. Try drinking a cup of hyssop tea after meals to help settle your stomach and keep gas and bloating at bay.

7. Improves Skin Health

Hyssop tea isn’t just good for your insides; it’s also a great way to improve your skin health. When combined with healthy eating and exercise, hyssop tea can make your skin softer and smoother thanks to its ability to improve blood flow.

This will help your skin appear fuller, softer, and more youthful – no matter what your age. Try infusing a teaspoon of dried hyssop in a cup of hot water and drinking it once a day. Add honey to taste if you prefer a sweeter cup of tea!

Top Eight Hyssop Tea Benefits You Didn’t Know About8. Protects Your Immune System

Hyssop contains caffeic acid and tannins. These elements reduce inflammatory responses and help protect your immune system so that it can fight off illnesses. Its ability to improve blood flow means that it can help the whole body function more efficiently.

If you’re constantly fighting off coughs, colds, and other illnesses, adding hyssop tea to your diet could help you be healthier and feel better. To get the full immune system benefits of hyssop tea, try drinking one to two cups per day.

Top Eight Hyssop Tea Benefits You Didn’t Know About

Final Word

Hyssop tea benefits are varied; from treating coughs and colds to improving the appearance of your skin, this herbal tea can truly improve your overall health. It’s full of fresh, minty flavor, and it’s easy to drink and easy to make. Even drinking just a cup a day of this herbal remedy could help provide you with long-term health benefits.

Do you drink hyssop tea regularly? Have you experienced any other benefits of drinking this tea? Why not share them with others and let them know how much it could help improve their health?

Image source: 123

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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