What’s the Relationship Between Vitamin D and Strokes?
This article on CNN discusses the association between sunlight and strokes. And since we make vitamin D in response to sunlight this means is there a link between vitamin D and strokes? Recent studies are showing that individuals who get less sunlight are 60% more likely to develop strokes. Â Other studies have shown that low vitamin D and strokes are associated along with low vitamin D and heart disease.
Vitamin D appears to improve endothelial function. Â The endothelium is the one cell thick lining of the inner walls of our blood vessels. Â Vascular health depends on endothelial health. Â A healthy endothelium maintains the flexibility of the blood vessels reducing the chances of “hardening of the arteries” that contributes to heart disease and stroke. Endothelium is also adversely affected by sugar. Â See our post “How High Blood Sugar Causes Vascular Disease“.
So be sure to get adequate sunlight and if you are unable because the sun does not shine much where you live be sure to have your vitamin D levels measured, and take enougth vitamin D supplements to get your level to 60 ng/dl. This is important since vitamin D is not naturally found in many foods (see article below).
See related posts on vitamin D.
“What Foods Are High in Vitamin D”
“Can You Get Too Much Vitamin D?
“Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms”