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February 13, 2013

Fat Chance: By Robert H. Lustig, MD

Fat Chance

Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease
Fat Chance

Fat Chance: By Robert H. Lustig, MD

There’s a fat chance that you will stay or become lean without understanding the principle’s in Fat ChanceFat Chance: By Robert H. Lustig, MD by Robert Lustig, M.D. Over the last few years Dr. Lustig has been on a mission educating the public on the harmful effects of sugar. His YouTube video Sugar: The Bitter Truth has gone viral (the video is available below). And, in Fat Chance Dr. Lustig explains in depth the many reasons for the obesity pandemic we now confront. He shows how government policy despite its intentions has contributed to the obesity problem with the food industry also playing a major role.

Contrary to what many may believe, Dr. Lustig makes a compelling case in Fat Chance that obesity is not a choice. Given the ill effects of being overweight and the social stigma connected to it, does anybody actually choose to be obese? Certainly young children do not, yet we now see an epidemic of obese kids. Yes, obesity is determined by our behavior. But, our behavior as Dr. Lustig adeptly argues is determined by our biochemistry. How we can alter that biochemistry to alter our behavior is a focus in the book.

A large message in Fat Chance is similar to what we have been advocating. To lose weight Dr. Lustig discusses the importance of rebalancing the hormones that regulate hunger, reward, and stress. The important role that leptin, a hormone, plays in weight management is heavily discussed in Fat Chance.

And, the necessity of cutting down on our sugar consumption is emphasized. In Fat Chance the toxicities related to sugar are reviewed and explained. Two antidotes to sugar are discussed; the prime importance of fiber and exercise. Though Dr. Lustig states that exercise will not cure obesity he explains how it in minimizes the harmful effects of being obese. But, don’t forget about fiber.

Fat Chance should be read by every health professional. Even if you have no difficulty managing your weight Fat Chance you will provide you with better insight of the nature of the obesity pandemic and give you strategies that might help someone you know.  It’s a must read book!

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