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  • Experiencing Hair Loss? Try Theradome [Laser Therapy]

October 10, 2016

Experiencing Hair Loss? Try Theradome [Laser Therapy]

It happens to all of us – eventually. Our hair thins. Some lose their hair faster and sooner than others, but everyone loses some hair. For a long time there were no treatments for hair loss short of wearing wigs and toupées which when you think about it are not really treatments. If you suffer from hair loss you may wish to look at the Theradome. Theradome™ became available for commercial use in 2013 and uses cold laser technology.



What is Theradome?

The Theradome LH80 PRO is a laser helmet that is FDA cleared to treat hair loss in women. Clinical trials in men are underway but leading hair transplant and hair restoration centers like Bosely Medical and Hair Club for Men already recommend and offer Theradome to their male patients.

How Does Theradome Work?

Theradome uses low level light therapy to penetrate the scalp 3 to 5 millimeters to reach the base of the hair follicles. Theradome works at least three ways.

  • The cold laser technology stimulates the mitochondria that produce energy for the hair follicles improving cell metabolism.
  • Theradome improves microcirculation to the hair follicles.
  • Theradome reduces the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp. Some individuals are very sensitive to DHT. Excess DHT in the scalp leads to  male pattern baldness (even in women) and is the number one known cause of hair loss. DHT is blocked by the medication finasteride (Propecia).

Theradome accomplishes all of this using 80 strategically placed lasers within the helmet that emit red light at 678 nanometers which is the optimal wavelength to penetrate the follicles.

Treatment sessions are 20 minutes long and only two treatments a week are needed to stop hair loss and eventually stimulate hair growth. Many users report using the laser helmet more than twice a week, though.

How well does Theradome work? Of those who followed the treatment protocol 98% report seeing hair growth from from Theradome. On average 40% of hair will regrow with Theradome. Thus, it is more ideal for individuals in the early stages of hair loss. For those with more advanced hair loss Theradome is frequently used in conjunction with other hair loss treatment options like hair transplant grafts.

Features of Theradome

The helmet keeps track of the number of treatments an individual has received and has an automated voice that tells the user which number of treatment is being given and informs the user every 5 minutes how much time is remaining for that treatment session. The helmet automatically shuts off after 20 minutes. The helmet has to be periodically recharged and is designed to last 6,000 hours or 18,000 treatment sessions.

So at two treatments a week (104 a year) you would have to live to be 173 years old assuming you started treatments at birth before you would outlive the life of the product

.The helmet is put on the head and a button in the back is pushed to start the treatment session. During the treatment session the user can engage in light activities like watching TV or computer work, and unlike laser combs users are free to use to their hands.

The helmet sits on the head on a cradle of white plastic pegs (enlarge the above photo) behind which sit the 80 lasers. The lasers are not activated unless the helmet is positioned on the head and the start button at the back of helmet is pushed. Therefore, the lasers cannot be used to treat any other part of the body – just in case you’re thinking you might want to use the lasers to treat the wrinkles on your face. Outside some itching of the scalp after a treatment there are no side effects from using Theradome.

Stages of Improvement

Like minoxidil and finasteride the results from Theradome do not occur overnight. The growth cycle of hair follicles is quite complicated and some follicles are dormant for six months or more. Overall it takes 6 to 9 months to see hair growth on the crown of the head or vertex.

Improvement in hair growth from Theradome occurs in the following stages based on two 20 minute treatment sessions per week.

  • Repair: In months 1 to 3 hair loss is reduced and existing hair is repaired with increased thickness and density.
  • Healthy Hair: In months 2 to 4 hair becomes cleaner, more manageable with fuller body, decreased oiliness, and larger hair shafts.
  • Healthier Hair: In months 4 to 6 hair becomes thicker and stronger, scalp health improves, and curliness in enhanced in hair that is naturally curly.
  • Growth:  In months 6 to 9 new hair growth is seen on the top and crown of the head.

Here’s my experience using Theradome.

I started using Theradome seven months ago and noticed improved hair quality and appearance after 2 to 3 months and new hair growth on the crown in months six and seven. I was using it 4 to 5 times a week and developed some itching and slight irritation of the scalp and now use every other day and the irritation has resolved.  I wrote part of this article while receiving a treatment. My hair grows faster and I have found I need to get a hair cut one week sooner than previously.

Cost of the Theradome

The cost of a Theradome is $895. That’s a one time cost and when compared to other hair loss treatments is the least expensive hair loss treatment option over time.

Other proven hair loss treatments include minoxidil, finasteride, hair transplants, and laser treatment as a laser clinic. Outside hair transplants the above treatments are ongoing to maintain results. Hair transplant surgery can cost up to $10,000 to $20,000. Minoxidil (Rogaine) costs about $480 a year or $4,800 over ten years. Finasteride (Propecia) cost $900 a year or $9,000 over ten years. And, laser hair treatment at a laser center costs $3,000 a year or $30,000 over ten years.

You do not not need a prescription to purchase Theradome, but before buying a unit we recommend you first see a physician if you experience bothersome hair loss to make sure there is not an underlying medical problem like a dermatologic or scalp condition, a thyroid disorder, stress, or some other medical condition that should be addressed.

The Theradomeâ„¢ LH80 PRO is an effective hair loss treatment option. It is affordable and convenient to use and is best for those individuals in the early stage of hair loss possibly preventing the need for other hair loss treatment options like hair transplants procedures.

* there is also a laser cap available at a similar price called Capillus.

Research Articles on Low Laser Light Therapy for Hair Loss

Low Laser Light Therapy for Androgenic Alopecia in International Journal of Trichology.

Utilizing Electromagnetic Radiation for Hair Growth: A Critical Review of Phototrichogenesis in Clinics in Dermatology.

The Use of Low-Level Light Therapy in the Treatment of Androgenic Alopecia and Female Pattern Hair Loss in Journal of Dermatological Treatment.

Efficacy and Safety of Low-Level Laser Device in the Treatment of Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss: A Multicenter, Randomized, Sham-deviced Controlled, Double-blind Study in American Journal of Clinical Dermatology.

Low-Level Light Therapy for Androgenic Alopecia: A 24 Week, Randomized, Double-blind, Sham-device Controlled Multicenter Trial in Dermatologic Surgery.

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Dr. Joe Jacko

Dr. Joe is board certified in internal medicine and sports medicine with additional training in hormone replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. He has trained or practiced at leading institutions including the Hughston Clinic, Cooper Clinic, Steadman-Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas, and Cenegenics. He currently practices in Columbus, Ohio at Grandview Primary Care. Read more about Dr. Joe Jacko

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