What is the Androgen Study Group?
We hear so many conflicting reports about testosterone therapy these days. Is there a place you can go to get accurate information? The answer is “yes”. We recommend you go to The Androgen Study Group in addition to our website.
The Androgen Study Group was organized in response to two recent studies that showed an increased risk of cardiovascular disease associated with testosterone therapy. The findings of these two studies contradict the findings from the bulk of the existing 70 plus years of medical literature showing that testosterone has cardiovascular benefits. We’ve previously discussed the flaws in those two studies in this post and will not discuss them further here.
You can think of the Androgen Study Group as kind of a think tank for men’s health.
The Place to Go for Accurate Information on Testosterone
You can think of The Androgen Study Group as a clearinghouse where you can “cut through the misleading headlines” and find accurate reporting and analysis of research on testosterone deficiency and its treatment. It’s an organization you can trust to help you sift through confusing and sometimes conflicting information on testosterone.
The Androgen Study Group is chaired by Abraham Morgentaler, MD. Dr. Morgentaler is Associate Clinical Professor of Urology at the Harvard Medical School and considered by many as the leading expert in the United States on testosterone deficiency and its treatment. His earlier research has debunked the many myths surrounding testosterone therapy including the previous long-held belief that testosterone causes prostate cancer.
It can be hard for the public and even physicians to make sense of the findings of medical research especially when findings are seemingly contradictory. The Androgen Study Group is committed to providing accurate information and analysis in understandable ways when it comes to medical research on testosterone deficiency and its treatment.
The Androgen Study Group is a multi-disciplinary group of experts from the fields of urology, endocrinology, family practice, and basic research.
At the Androgen Study Group’s homepage you can subscribe and receive new alerts on the latest in testosterone research and news.
So don’t be confused any more or any longer than necessary. If you have questions, concerns, or doubts on anything you hear, read, or see about testosterone therapy be sure to visit The Androgen Study Group for the most accurate information explained and simplified for you by leading experts.